White Oak's Ready to Rumble, MH Owned by Mary Bizub, Rochester, NY
Harley is a gorgeous, 75 lb yellow female.She is a sweet girl.She loves to hunt geese and is an excellent marker!Harley received her junior hunt title in May, 2008 and Senior Title in August, 2008.
D&S Harley Girl SH OFA Hip - Excellent (LR-164245E32F-NOPI) CNM - Clear (LR-CNM08-905-F-NOPI) EIC - Clear (D08-048397) CERF - Normal
Rumble is a handsome, 85 lb black male that throws yellow. He is an excellent marker, easy to train and has a wonderful personality.He is an AKC Master Hunter.
White Oak's Ready to Rumble SH (Sire - FC AFC It's All Over Now Baby Blue) OFA Hip - Good CNM - Clear (LR-CNM07-685-M-PI) EIC - Clear (D08-053980) CERF - Clear (LR-46949-2008-21) Owned by Mary Bizub, Rochester, NY
12 Pups were whelped on January 26, 2009 6 black and 6 yellow Dew claws were removed, pups were wormed at 3, 5 & 7 weeks of age, and 6 week vaccinations were administered by our vet. Born and raised in our home….well socialized. $800.00.
1. Deb & Scott Mengel-Ellie (passed 5-23-2022)
2. Kim & Joe Smith-Bailey (passed 2023)
3. Karen & Hugh Heckman-Casey (passed 4-6-2018)
4. Maryann & Don Wilson-Caeli (passed 9-18-2023)
5. Randy & Colleen Kunkle-Jetta (passed 7-20-2023)
6. Gail Gove-Rita (passed 2019)
7. Ivan & Betty Zeiset-Muffin (passed)
1. Allen & Shelly Fox-Rebel (passed 5-8-2018)
2. Joseph & Lori McHugh-Bear (passed 7-26-2021)
3. Shannon Sahm-Moose (passed 2018)
4. Debbie Schadler-Emmitt (passed)
5. Rodney & Jacqueline Miller-Remi (passed)
D & S Retrievers 27 Boy Scout Road * Kutztown * PA * 19530 Deb: 610-216-9512 * Scott: 484-619-1732 dsretrievers@verizon.net Kristina Newton, Kennel Manager: 484-560-3423